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Your Guide to Nurturing Liver And Kidney Vitality

This article will explore healthy liver and kidney functions, recognize signs of balance, and adopt natural practices to support your well-being.

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Liver and kidney health is critical for optimal well-being and longevity. Both organs play vital roles that keep your body operating properly. The liver, on one hand, detoxifies your blood and regulates various biochemical processes. Bile production also occurs in this organ, facilitating fat digestion and waste removal. Blood tests help detect symptoms of liver health issues, with a dark urine color being a notable red flag.

The kidneys, on the other hand, are a pair of bean-shaped organs, each on either side of your spine. They remove waste and excess water from the bloodstream, turning these elements into urine. The kidneys also generate essential hormones that aid in red blood cell formation and control fluid and electrolyte levels that adjust the pressure exerted within the bloodstream. Dizziness and fatigue are the first signs of kidney health issues. Other symptoms of kidney malfunction include swollen feet and ankles, poor appetite, and muscle cramps.

What Are the Symptoms of Liver and Kidney Issues?



Jaundice is one of the symptoms of kidney issues. It is a yellowing of the skin and the white part of the eyes due to elevated bilirubin levels in your red blood cells.


Confusion And Fatigue

When the liver and kidneys aren't working optimally, toxins can accumulate in your body, causing brain fog and exhaustion. Weakness and tiredness may become more frequent, and you could experience disorientation and confusion.


Blood In The Urine

Healthy kidneys filter waste from the bloodstream and route it to the bladder. However, when there's poor kidney health, these organs can leak blood cells into the urine, causing a brownish color.


A Dry And Itchy Skin

Impaired waste elimination and fluid imbalances can lead to dehydration in the body. This issue can affect the skin's ability to retain moisture, resulting in a flaky and rough texture.


Frequent Urge To Urinate

One of the warning signs of liver damage or kidney malfunction is the need to urinate too often. However, this common symptom could also indicate an enlarged prostate or a urinary tract infection.

What Causes Liver and Kidney Issues?

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Liver and kidney health issues can have various underlying causes. For the kidneys, common factors include an increase in blood force, type 2 impaired blood sugar, and renal insufficiency. Other reasons for kidney health problems may involve kidney infections, kidney stones, and certain medications or toxins. Additionally, autoimmune diseases and genetic conditions can also impact kidney function negatively.

But what causes liver issues? Alcohol abuse is a common culprit of liver damage, leading to conditions like alcoholic fatty liver disease and cirrhosis (scarring). Pathogenic infections can cause liver inflammation, such as hepatitis B and C, and can also severely affect the liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), often linked to being overweight and poor diet, is also becoming increasingly prevalent. Other factors contributing to liver issues include certain medications, exposure to toxic substances, and autoimmune disorders.

To maintain good kidney and liver health in the long term, it is crucial to manage risk factors and undergo regular medical check-ups. In addition, you could use certain supplements that support healthy liver and kidney function.

How to Improve Liver and Kidney Health Naturally?

Everyone, male or female, has an equal risk of developing liver and kidney issues. Some signs of these ailments may remain dormant and undetected. However, you need not wait until significant damage and evident symptoms occur. Maintaining a proper diet is vital for improving liver and kidney health. Body exercises and moderate alcohol intake are other notable measures. Here's how to improve kidney health naturally:


Keep A Balanced Diet

You should eat fiber-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, cereals, and rice to promote better kidney and liver function. Meat is also a good option but limit your red meat intake. As for fats, it is best to stick with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated varieties found in olive oils, avocados, fish, nuts, and seeds. Additionally, it is crucial to stay hydrated throughout the day.


Perform Regular Exercise

If you're wondering how to improve kidney health and liver function, regular and consistent body exercises can be the answer. They help burn liver fat and maintain a healthy weight. Besides, physical activity allows the body to break down triglycerides and utilize them as fuel. Being overweight puts pressure on the kidneys, reducing their ability to retain equilibrium and increasing the blood force through vessels.


Consume Alcohol Responsibly

If you're asking yourself how to improve liver health naturally, avoiding alcohol is among the best ways. Over-consumption of this harmful substance may result in hepatitis, fatty liver, liver disease, and cirrhosis. Years of heavy alcohol intake and binge drinking put you at even more risk. Where quitting isn't immediately possible, drinking in moderation also helps.


Avoid Illicit Drugs

What causes kidney issues and liver malfunction in drug users? Illicit substances like heroin and cocaine, among others, may release various harmful toxins that could damage these filtering organs in the long run and prevent them from working correctly. Sharing needles increases the risk, as it can lead to infections that may cause further harm.


Take Medication Correctly

Over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies, and supplements should be taken 2-4 hours apart and can potentially harm your liver and kidneys if consumed carelessly. You should always strive to follow your healthcare provider's instructions or seek medical advice. In addition, it's advisable to pursue professional assistance when procuring the best drinks to detox your liver. Lastly, you should avoid mixing different components and drugs without medical supervision.

Product Recommendations

Liver Health Formula

Liver Health Formula

Energy | Metabolism | Detox

Liver Health Formula contains 11 research-backed ingredients that revitalize healthy liver functions. It can also boost energy levels, improve sluggish metabolism, mental clarity, detoxification, immune integrity, and weight management.

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Kidney Health Formula

Kidney Health Formula

Cleanse | Protection | Wellness

Kidney Health Formula contains 8 research-backed ingredients designed to promote kidney health, reduce kidney inflammation and oxidative stress caused by free radicals. It also promotes kidney stone clearance and strengthens kidney blood vessels.

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Curcumin Extract

Curcumin Extract

Joint | Liver | Kidney Health

Curcumin Extract contains 100% Curcugen® that helps reduce joint inflammation, fight damage caused by oxidative stress, improves kidney & liver functions, improves cardiovascular health, mood and digestion.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Fatty Liver?

Fatty liver is a condition that affects about one in ten people. It happens when there's excess fat in liver cells. It's normal for the liver to contain a little fat, but it shouldn't exceed about 5% of the liver's weight. Fat develops through absorption from the intestine and the liver's inability to break it down.

Research reveals that numerous disorders can influence what causes fatty liver. These conditions include cellular resistance to glucose, high levels of blood triglycerides and systolic-diastolic numbers, and excess weight. When occurring together, these ailments can increase the risk of heart disease, brain clots, and type 2 impaired blood sugar. They are commonly referred to as metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X.

How to Prevent Fatty Liver?

Preventing fatty liver is one of the numerous benefits of a liver detox. However, to date, no medication exists to eliminate this problematic liver condition fully. Yet, there are a few alternatives on how to improve liver health for an enhanced quality of life. Most of them consist of undergoing significant lifestyle changes.

It is important to limit alcohol consumption as a preventative measure, but the best option is to quit altogether. On the other hand, you could also consider counseling or detoxification to treat an alcohol dependency that's jeopardizing your liver integrity. Dietary measures on how to reduce fatty liver involve pursuing a regimen rich in nutrients that requires a low-calorie and saturated fat intake. Balance your diet by consuming fiber-rich foods that include whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruits, and don't forget that keeping your body hydrated improves liver health.

What Does Fatty Liver Feel Like?

A fatty liver often shows no symptoms of liver issues until it reaches the cirrhosis stage. Once the condition manifests fully, you'll start developing general body weakness. What does fatty liver feel like? You can begin to feel extremely tired and may experience confusion and disorientation. Abdominal pain on the right side, where the liver sits, is also a common tale-tell sign that something's wrong.

Edema or swelling is another fatty liver disease symptom and manifests through fluid-filled legs and abdomen. Besides, you may develop jaundice, which is the yellowing of the eyes and skin. At the same time, persons with fatty liver experience nausea. Since the condition develops gradually, an unintentional drop in weight and reduced appetite may occur. Regularly consuming the best liver detox teas may help support liver and kidney health and alleviate the symptoms.

What Causes Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones result from the crystallization of chemicals found in urine. But what causes kidney issues like this? To understand what causes kidney stones, remember that these organs' primary function is filtering waste, which may start solidifying when in high concentrations. Kidney stones can range in size from tiny sand grains or small pebbles to rocks as large as a golf ball.

Usually, smaller stones can pass out with the urine without causing significant discomfort. However, if they accumulate in the kidney, they can obstruct urine flow and cause pain. Typically, a doctor will advise you on improving kidney health naturally, but large, painful stones often require shockwave therapies or surgical intervention. Noticeable symptoms result from large kidney stones, including severe lower back pain, stomach ache, nausea and vomiting, foul-smelling urine, fever, chills, and traces of blood in the urine.

How to Prevent Kidney Stones?

High sugar or salt intake, being overweight, lack of exercise, and poor body hydration are all possible causes of this common issue. Family history and a post-surgical loss in weight are other culprits. Preventive measures include drinking plenty of water, exercising, and more.

Incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your diet and reduce animal protein intake as it produces urine with high acidic concentrations. At the same time, cut down on salt intake through moderate consumption of processed and junk food. Dairy products and green vegetables are rich in calcium, which binds with oxalates that create stones. So increasing calcium-rich foods in your diet is crucial in preventing kidney stones. Conversely, dairy is also high in saturated fats, lactose, and casein proteins, which can cause inflammation in some people. In addition, calcium supplements may contribute to kidney stones. Consult your healthcare provider for what’s best for your individual needs.

Losing weight is another appropriate way of mitigating kidney stone formation. Ask a professional dietician to guide you on how to check your kidney health through weight management. Please don't go on an all-out onslaught against weight, as it could present other health issues. Instead, take gradual and safe steps.

What Do Kidney Stones Feel Like?

Passing solid salts and minerals through urine can be extremely painful. Although kidney stones typically form in the kidneys, they can also develop in the urinary tract, which can cause significant distress and disrupt the flow of urine. When you have kidney stones, you may experience pain while urinating or flashes from your back, groin, and lower abdomen. In addition, you could develop the urge to urinate more often, even when you're only holding small amounts of fluid in your bladder.

Nausea and vomiting may also accompany the flashes of pain. On the other hand, chills and fever occur, which are signs that your immune system is fighting a pathogen.. Look out for the urine color. If it is cloudy, brown, red, or pink and has a foul smell, it's undoubtedly a major red flag. So, what do kidney stones feel like? Now you know! Hopefully, if you're experiencing these signs and symptoms, you'll seek timely medical attention.

What Foods Are good for the Liver and Kidneys?

A healthy diet is essential for maintaining the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys, which play a crucial role in filtering and cleaning up waste. Numerous specific meals can help keep liver and kidney health issues at bay. What foods are good for liver health? Foods beneficial for liver health include leafy greens, fatty fish, and fruits like berries. Limiting alcohol and processed foods also supports liver function. Garlic improves detoxification, reduces free radical oxidative stress and inflammation, and it helps reduce body weight, which has been associated with kidney stones and liver disease risk factors.

What foods are good for kidney support? For a healthy liver and kidney, it's vital to incorporate plant-based foods like carrots, broccoli, brown rice, bananas, and vegetables into your diet. Fish is also a great source of omega-3, a beneficial fat that helps prevent fat build-up. Nuts are another excellent choice, as they contain antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids, both of which can help reduce liver inflammation.

What Foods Are Bad for the Liver and Kidneys?

High animal protein intake is detrimental to liver and kidney health. Excessive consumption of dairy products is also harmful. These food categories place a heavy burden as they involve complicated metabolism and excretion. What foods are bad for kidney well-being? Processed foods, cured meats, and salted snacks contain high fat, sugar, and salt levels. You should limit their intake most days. High-potassium foods, including chocolate, peanut butter, dried apricots, and molasses, should also not be your first choice.

What foods are bad for liver health? Maintaining healthy bones requires an adequate amount of phosphorus. However, excessive intake of this chemical can reverse liver detox benefits. Phosphorus can be found in dark colas, beer, whole grain bread, bran cereals, organ meats, caramel, and chocolate candy.

How to Check Your Liver and Kidney Health?

When experiencing symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, abdominal pain, jaundice, or an unexplained loss of weight, healthcare professionals may conduct blood tests to check liver and kidney health. These tests measure bilirubin levels, enzymes, and proteins and can indicate any potential issues. Abnormal levels of protein or enzymes in the blood may be a sign of liver or kidney problems.

The good news is that the liver and kidney are self-healing organs. These organs can regenerate with proper diet, exercise, and weight management. Positive signs your liver is healing, and changes to let you know you're on track include renewed energy, mental clarity, improved skin, and a better appetite. Also, any jaundice goes away, as does edema. Besides these measures, you can learn how to check your liver health through authoritative sites online.

What Vitamins Are Good for Liver and Kidney Health?

Optimal liver function requires adequate vitamin intake. Therefore, knowing which vitamins promote liver and kidney health is critical. What vitamins are good for liver health? Vitamins B, C, D, and E are ideal for kidney and liver health.

Vitamin E protects body cell membranes from destruction and is suitable for kidney and liver health. You'll get vitamin E from sunflowers, corn, soya, nuts, and seeds. Vitamin D activates the immune system and boosts organ health. Red meat, tuna, egg yolk, and cod liver oil are good vitamin E sources.

Likewise, what vitamins are good for kidney health? Vitamin C or ascorbic acid also helps metabolize protein, among other bodily functions. Foods rich in vitamin C include oranges, lemons, broccoli, blackcurrants, strawberries, and peppers. Green leafy vegetables, bananas, watermelons, beef, chicken, and dairy products are rich in vitamin B. Find the best ways to improve liver function for better health today.

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Customer Reviews

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Great took it for a year and changed my eating habits and got rid of fatty liver. Recommend it my cat scan showed no fatty liver a year after.

- María

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Reviewed Product:
Liver Health Formula

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I was having problems with my prostate. Having a constant need to go to the bathroom with extreme difficulties in my flow. I tried two other on line supplements. One did absolutely nothing at all and the other results varied from day to day.

I came across an advertisement of a different product that was supposed to aid in the function of liver. Upon researching that product and its reviews, I came across Purehealth. The information was very similar, yet the reviews weren't even close in comparison. So, I decided to give Purehealth a try. After taking Purehealth along with the other supplements I was taking, I felt off balance. I wasn't feeling right. I knew I was taking too much of too many different things.

Yet, I noticed a change in my need to use the bathroom as much. So, I decided to stop talking everything except Purehealth. It was the best decision I could have ever made for my health. Since only taking Purehealth Liver Supplement, I have been feeling great. My need to use the bathroom so often has gone down and my flow has gradually returned to normal. Not quite where I would like it to be but, much much better than what it had been. My appetite has gone down, I'm sleeping much better and longer throughout the night. I feel like l have more energy, and l just feel better over all. I highly recommend thus product to anyone, especially anyone over the of 50. I'm 60 years old and I haven't felt this good in 4/5 years. Purehealth Liver Supplement has changed my life for the better.

- Gregory R.

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Reviewed Product:
Liver Health Formula

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At the beginning of the year I was diagnosed with a non alcoholic fatty liver. I was complaining of my side hurting it almost felt bruised. When I went to my primary doctor we decided to run some tests and they found that my liver was indeed enlarge. They told me they would monitor my condition. Once I seen my GI doctor they said the same thing as well. They’re was nothing they could do and that I needed to lose weight. I’ve been 215 pounds for 16 years after having complications with my first pregnancy. I felt defeated, so I decided I’d look on my own to find something to help me. I’ve been using this product for about 5 months now and I can honestly say my liver pain is gone. The size of my liver has reduced from 20.9 cm to 20 cm and my spleen went from 11.7 cm to 10.5 cm in only 3 months. I am currently still weighing at 215 pounds but I feel better than I’ve ever felt in all long time. I have my energy back and my gut health has definitely improved. I have been struggling with IBS my whole life. I would definitely recommend this product. As it as changed my life. Thank you.

- Jessica

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Reviewed Product:
Liver Health Formula

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I changed credit cards and my subscription was interrupted. I’ve been taking liver health for over a year. When I stopped getting it, I realized I felt different and that it was a very important supplement for me to continue to take. I’m so glad that my subscription was straightened out and that I’m getting it again. Thank you

- Meloni M.

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Reviewed Product:
Liver Health Formula

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I am so grateful for this kidney health formula as it has effectively helped me with kidney stones. Since I started taking it improved my quality of life and my doctor haven't found any new kidney stones which is great!

- Malcolm S.

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Reviewed Product:
Kidney Health Formula

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I can't recommend this kidney health formula enough! Since I started taking it I've noticed a significant decrease in discomfort and improved overall kidney health

- Lisa G.

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Reviewed Product:
Kidney Health Formula

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Since I put this supplement into my daily routine I have experienced noticeable improvements in my kidney function. My doctor has been monitoring my kidney health closely related to stone formation and they have observed positive changes during my check-ups

- Brandi H.

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Reviewed Product:
Kidney Health Formula

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I accidentally read about that heavy metals can cause chronic headaches. I've been suffering from them for a long time and I never found the solution. This reduced my headaches so much I feel like a normal person again. This was so surprising. Cant thank you enough

- Angel J.

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Reviewed Product:
Metal Detox Formula

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This formula is worth every penny. I feel that detoxifies the body really well. I've noticed an improvement in my skin since incorporating this into my daily routine

- Cecilia L.

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Reviewed Product:
Metal Detox Formula

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I suffer from fatigue and Metal Detox formula has been a lifesaver. My energy levels have improved and I no longer feel weighed down by the toxins in my body. Very effective

- Paul G.

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Reviewed Product:
Metal Detox Formula

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I suspected that I needed to detox heavy metals from my body because I was feeling all the symptoms (fatigue, chronic pain, etc) and this has helped me SO MUCH. I feel more energized and better overall. Already repurchased three bottles

- Theresa V.

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Reviewed Product:
Metal Detox Formula

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I was skeptical at first but this formula has been a game changer for me.My digestive issues were taking a toll on my quality of life.Bloating, indigestion, and discomfort after eating.But ever since I started using curcumin supplement, my belly completely changed.I no longer experience painful bloating and i can eat normally.I am very thankful

- Wendell B.

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Reviewed Product:
Curcumin Extract

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such a great supplement for overall health. i started taking it to reduce stress and it really helped me. i have more energy, my mood improved and i noticed that my digestion is better (didn't expect this one!) recommended

- Bryan M.

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Reviewed Product:
Curcumin Extract

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I've been using this product for a few weeks and I can already see the positive effects. My energy levels have been through the roof!! Hihgly recommend

- Ian S.

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Reviewed Product:
Curcumin Extract

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My digestion has never been smoother all thanks to this fantastic product. It's made a world of difference for me.

- Corinne D

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Curcumin Extract