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Your Guide to Navigating through Menopause Transition

This article will explore the signs of menopause, its causes, and adopt natural practices to navigate this journey with confidence.

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Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive stage. During her fertile years, a woman's ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, which help regulate the menstrual cycle and support pregnancy. As a woman ages, her reproductive organs gradually produce less of these hormones, which can affect the menstrual cycle and eventually cause it to stop, resulting in the end of her ability to conceive.

Menopause is technically only one day that occurs on the first anniversary of the last menstruation. Preceding menopause is the transitional phase known as peri-menopause, which accompanies hormonal fluctuations and symptoms lasting between 7-14 years. After menopause or post-menopause, a woman’s hormones and symptoms have stabilized.

Women go through menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, although some may experience it earlier or later, depending on many factors. Many women may undergo night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness during this period. Although these symptoms are usually unavoidable, there are several solutions that can assist in managing them.

What Are the Symptoms of Menopause?


Hot Flashes

During the transition phase of menopause, most women have reported experiencing intense heat waves across the body. Although not harmful, hot flashes may be accompanied by skin flushing, profuse sweating, and other discomforts.


Night Sweats

Menopausal women may experience excessive sweating when sleeping. This symptom can lead to disrupted sleep and waking up to damp sheets. Nonetheless, light clothing and a cool room may help alleviate the discomfort.


Vaginal Dryness

Those curious on what are symptoms of menopause often notice itching, discomfort, or pain during sexual intercourse. Lower levels of estrogen in the blood are often behind the signs of vaginal dryness.


Mood Swings

During menopause, women may experience sudden mood changes due to hormonal fluctuations. These emotional shifts can range from feelings of irritability and sadness to anxiety or frustration. Some may also experience ongoing stress.


Sleep Disturbances

Menopausal women may encounter difficulties falling or staying asleep, leading to fatigue and daytime drowsiness. A relaxing bedtime routine and reduced caffeine intake before bedtime can help keep this problem at bay.

What Can Cause Early Menopause?

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Premature menopause is a condition that can occur before age 45 and can be influenced by various factors. In some cases, there may be a genetic link between age and menopause, and those with a family history of early menopause may also be at risk. Additionally, certain medical treatments like radiation therapy and chemotherapy can damage the ovaries, decreasing hormonal production and early menopause.

Some autoimmune ailments can lead to early onset of menopause because they impact the normal functioning of the ovaries or hormones. Such conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, and hormonal disorders. Additionally, the surgical removal of one or both ovaries can result in the cessation of hormone production, leading to early menopause. This procedure serves as a part of reproductive health treatment or to address cancer-related issues.

In addition, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in some foods, soaps, cosmetics, plastics, and more are six times more likely to lead to early-onset menopause by as much as 2-4 years. If you were wondering, "What can cause early menopause?" now you know.

How to Improve Menopause Symptoms?

Women may experience a wide variety of symptoms during menopause that can significantly affect their overall well-being, relationships, and daily tasks. However, numerous options are available to decrease the impact of these nuisances and improve overall comfort. Some of them effectively reduce menopause manifestations, while others help women maintain their daily routines despite these challenges. Combining multiple actions may enhance the effectiveness of symptom management. Here is how to improve menopause symptoms naturally:


Stay Active

Exercise and a relatively active lifestyle can help alleviate some menopause symptoms and promote better sleep. For example, swimming may relieve hot flashes, walking and yoga may help reduce mood swings, and physical activity may promote more restful sleep every night. Vigorous exercise is unnecessary, but women can choose whatever fits their preferences and needs.


Relax and Deal with Stress

Stress can affect relationships and may trigger certain mental disorders. Practicing mindfulness techniques like deep breathing and meditation can help manage this harmful condition. It's recommended to create a routine for these activities and not just do these activities when feeling overwhelmed. Furthermore, identifying and avoiding stressors can help in leading a more relaxed life.


Maintain a Balanced Diet

During menopause, women may experience symptoms that lead to overeating or undereating. However, it's crucial to maintain a healthy diet during this time. A balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can provide the necessary nutrients to support hormonal balance and help with weight management. And try avoiding endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in some foods such as soy products, BPA plastics and can linings, phthalates found in plastic wraps and fragrances, PFAS food packaging, atrazine pesticides, and others. Choose organic and natural products when possible.


Drink Lots of Water

Staying hydrated is crucial for women during menopause, as it helps support their overall health and well-being. It can also help ease common symptoms in this life stage, including vaginal dryness. When properly hydrated, the body can maintain a healthy moisture balance, leading to improved vaginal conditions. Invest in a good water filter that removes PFAS, atrazine, and perchlorate endocrine disruptors.


Take Menopause-Specific Hormones

Some women might seek medical help to manage symptoms related to menopause. There are also some natural alternatives and supplements that can provide additional relief from discomfort. However, as individual needs can differ, it's imperative to consult a healthcare expert before choosing a treatment option.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When does menopause start?

Many women wonder, "When does menopause start?" The onset of the biological process typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age for the first symptoms being 51. However, the timing can vary between individuals, with some experiencing the first signs as early as 40 and others as late as 55.

But what is menopause? Menopause is one day. It occurs 12 months after the last menstrual period. Hormone fluctuations have stabilized, and this begins the post-menopausal phase.

Peri-menopause is the transitional period before menopause, lasting 7 to 14 years. It is a natural part of aging, where the ovaries gradually produce fewer reproductive hormones. As estrogen and progesterone levels lower in the blood, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Menopausal symptoms accompany these significant hormonal fluctuations. However, these gradually become less severe as the body adjusts to lower hormone levels. Twelve months after the last menstrual period officially marks menopause and hormonal stabilization.

When experiencing symptoms of menopause before entering this phase, it is advisable to seek medical evaluation and guidance from a doctor.

How long does menopause last?

The duration of menopause can vary from one woman to another, but on average, how long does menopause last? The event commonly called menopause is marked by one day when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. After that day, she enters the post-menopausal stage, which lasts for the rest of her life. At this stage, hormones stabilize at lower levels, significantly minimizing the severity of menopausal symptoms until they cease altogether within 4 years.

Before menopause is the peri-menopause phase, hormonal levels fluctuate, causing various symptoms. Peri-menopause is a transitional period that involves several phases and lasting from around 7 to 14 years, depending on the individual. At this stage, hormonal fluctuations are responsible for the various symptoms.

When do women go through menopause?

Most women will go through the menopause process between ages 45 and 55, although this is not a set rule. Many women who wonder, "When do women go through menopause?" are often the ones who have just begun to experience some symptoms or irregular menstrual cycles.

It's important to note other conditions can cause menopause-like symptoms. The onset and duration of menopause can be influenced by various factors such as genetics, overall health, lifestyle changes, exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and medical procedures. The process of menopause occurs gradually in most women. Some may experience a slow but steady decline in hormone levels, resulting in fewer symptoms. However, others may face more significant hormonal fluctuations that can affect their daily lives with noticeable menopause signs.

What is post-menopause?

Simply put, post-menopause refers to the time after menopause when a woman has not had her menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months. The post-menopausal stage marks the end of the reproductive years. Before, during, and after menopause, there is a consistent decrease in hormone production. However, the female body eventually adjusts to this change, resulting in fewer unpleasant symptoms until they cease altogether.

Some women keep asking, "What is post-menopause?" as they continue to experience the same nuisances they did during peri-menopause. With time, the hormones stabilize. However, an impact on other aspects like bone density and cardiovascular health occurs. It's important to schedule regular health checkups during this time to address any related health concerns.

What signals the end of menopause?

The official end of the transitional stage, called menopause, is when the hormonal levels in a woman have stabilized, and there are few or no menopausal symptoms. Most women will reach this stage within 4 years after their menstrual flow stops. At this point, they have reached the final post-menopause stage. So, what signals the end of menopause? As women reach a certain age, their ovaries gradually reduce the production of hormones that play a significant role in their reproductive system. Consequently, the ovaries stop releasing eggs to the uterus, which leads to the absence of any symptoms or feelings related to reproductive hormones. After menopause, women can also not bear children, even if they are sexually active.

How early can menopause start?

Some could be asking, "How early can menopause start?" Most women will start to experience the symptoms of menopause by the age of 45. However, a few will experience related hormonal fluctuations in their late 30s and early 40s.

Those who undergo the symptoms before age 45 are said to be experiencing early menopause. This condition can be caused by genetics, health disorders, lifestyle choices, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), or medical procedures that impact the ovaries or hormones. Women must seek medical advice if they suspect premature menopause. The doctor will check for any underlying conditions and give advice on the best way to manage the symptoms.

What helps with menopause?

Those facing menopause-like symptoms may want to know what helps with menopause. Luckily, several activities and solutions can alleviate these nuisances and enable women to lead fulfilling lives. Some of them include lifestyle modifications such as adopting a consistent physical activity regimen.

A balanced diet can also help women adapt to the notable hormonal changes that come with menopause by managing weight and general health. Also, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness can assist in dealing with mood swings or emotional instability. Hydration is crucial to keep vaginal dryness at bay and maintain the skin in good condition. Include steps to reduce exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Finally, natural menopause-specific supplements can help manage the changes in the body and alleviate most symptoms.

When should I worry about breast pain after menopause?

Hormones affect the breasts as much as they do the reproductive organs. Therefore, lower levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone could sometimes lead to increased sensitivity and pain. But most menopausal women wonder when to worry about breast pain after menopause. To keep some peace of mind, it's important to monitor the following signs:

  • Lump or mass in the breast: Women must seek immediate health advice if they discover a lump, whether painful or not.
  • New or persistent breast pain: If there's unusual pain in the area, it needs evaluation by a doctor.
  • Nipple changes: If the nipple inverts or discharges fluid, it could be a sign something's wrong.
  • Changes in breast appearance: If the breast becomes more prominent or the skin texture or color changes, a medical checkup wouldn't hurt.

How do I stop weight gain during menopause?

Some women put on some extra weight during menopause. Here is how to stop menopause weight gain:

  • Monitoring food portions.
  • Checking the calorie intake.
  • Avoiding constant snack consumption.
  • Engaging in regular exercise.

Eating a balanced diet that is full of nutrients during menopause is crucial to help manage symptoms and keep a healthy body and muscle mass. These foods include whole carbohydrates, fruits, lean proteins, and vegetables. In addition, lowering unnecessary sugar intake and refined flour and cutting down on processed foods is a good measure to keep weight gain under control. Finally, cutting down on caffeine and alcohol intake can curb increased cravings for snacking.

How do I stop weight loss during menopause?

Some women get a lot skinnier during menopause and should know how to stop menopause weight loss. Some of the practical methods include taking regular snacks and calorie-rich foods to maintain the required energy levels. The meals should be balanced, contain whole foods, and be adequate for all energy requirements.

Limiting intense physical activity to avoid overusing the stored energy is another good measure to hold weight. However, it is good to incorporate strength training to help build and maintain muscle mass. It can also help deal with age-related weight loss. If none of these methods work, consulting a doctor to unravel the main reason behind the weight loss is vital.

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I was skeptical about trying a non-prescription supplement for menopause but I couldn't deal with my symptoms anymore. I'm so glad I tried it - after just a week of using it I noticed that my hot flashes are not as common and not as intense. What's even better is that I was finally able to enjoy a full night's sleep and felt more energized during the day. I e been using it for the past month and it has made a drastic difference in how I feel.. I would wholeheartedly recommend Menoharmony to anyone going through "the change." It's definitely worth a try!

- Cheri G.

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This worked wonders for my terrible brain fog with my menopause. It was so bad it was driving me crazy. I believe it has also helped with my mood swings as well I'm feeling more like myself again.

- Whitney B.

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I have really bad hot flashes and Menoharmony is the only supplement I've tried that helps. It got rid of 90% of them and that's huge for me.Wonderful product.

- Sergio M.

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