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Your Guide to Nurturing Thyroid Wellness for Vitality

This article will explore the role of the thyroid gland, recognize signs of support, and adopt natural practices to promote its wellness.

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What is the thyroid gland, and why is thyroid health important? The thyroid is a 2-inch-long, butterfly-shaped gland at the front of your neck just below the voice box. It consists of two lobes on either side of the trachea connected at the front by a narrow strip of tissue called an isthmus. The gland absorbs the iodine in your food and transforms it into thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin.

When these hormones are low in the bloodstream, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland, which prompts the thyroid gland to generate more by releasing Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). This network is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis (HPT) and it adapts to metabolic changes and your body’s needs. TSH stimulates the thyroid to secrete T3 and T4, helping regulate their blood levels. The thyroid produces about 80% of the inactive form T4 and 20% of T3.

Once T3, T4, and calcitonin, reach the bloodstream, they help control the metabolism, body temperature, maintain bone health, and other essential bodily functions. As the body’s functions deplete T3, the liver and kidneys can convert T4 into more T3 to help keep levels ideal. Since all the cells in your body need energy to work, the production of thyroid hormones affects your overall health. Unfortunately, in some people, the thyroid may produce inadequate hormone levels, causing certain conditions that require immediate attention.

What Are the Symptoms of Low Thyroid?


Reproductive Health Issues

Hypothyroidism can cause hormonal imbalance, leading to irregular or heavy periods, a reduced libido, difficulties in conceiving, and an increased miscarriage risk during pregnancy. This condition can also cause erectile dysfunction in men.


Mental Health Issues

Low thyroid hormone levels can reduce neurotransmitter functionality, affecting mood regulation and cognitive function. Consequently, patients can experience a series of mental health issues, including, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, insomnia, and mood disorders.


Digestive Problems

Hypothyroidism can slow down gut motility and body metabolism, causing constipation, heartburn, and a rise in cholesterol levels. You may also experience nausea and bloating due to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).


Slowed Heart Rate and Fatigue

Reduced thyroid hormone levels can lead bradycardia — or a lower heart rate. A slower metabolism can lead to increased sensitivity to cold temperatures, unexplained weight gain, fatigue, and weakness in joints and muscles.


Skin and Hair Problems

In hypothyroidism, the skin’s natural renewal process may slow down, leading to a buildup of dead skin cells. You may also notice coarse, dull, and brittle hair and nails.

What Are the Causes of Low Thyroid?

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There are several common causes of low thyroid. One example is autoimmune thyroiditis, a disease that causes your immune system to attack the thyroid glands, reducing their ability to produce thyroid hormones. Thyroid surgery to remove part of the thyroid gland can also result in an underactive thyroid.

Thyroiditis, a thyroid gland inflammation may reduce the thyroid’s ability to produce hormones, consequently leading to low thyroid hormone levels.

Additionally, lack of iodine, some medications, and radioactive treatment of thyroid cancer can interfere with thyroid hormone production leading to hypothyroidism.

Children born with malfunctioning thyroids may develop a condition called Congenital Hypothyroidism which causes low thyroid levels. If untreated, this type of hypothyroidism can lead to intellectual disability.

Finally, though rare, any problem with the hypothalamus or pituitary glands may cause hypothyroidism because these organs produce hormones that trigger the production of thyroid hormones.

How to Improve Thyroid Function Naturally?

If not treated, hypothyroidism can lead to complications such as infertility, severe weight gain, anemia, and heart failure. Consider talking to your primary healthcare provider if you suspect you have low thyroid. They may order a TSH test and conduct blood tests for conditions like autoimmune thyroiditis. Additionally, they could run thyroid scans and radioactive iodine uptake tests. In case of a positive diagnosis, they will prescribe the appropriate medication.

You can also improve your thyroid function through holistic approaches, including dietary and lifestyle changes. However, working with a healthcare professional is vital to keep track of your progress. Below are some of the best ways to improve your thyroid function naturally:


Maintain Healthy Iodine Levels

If your test results show low iodine levels, you should consider boosting them through adequate nutrition and supplements intake. Some iodine-rich foods include seafood, sea vegetables, and animal-based protein. Adding iodized salt to your food is another way to increase your overall consumption of iodine.


Reduce Your Intake Of Sugar And Processed Foods And Take A Balanced Diet

Sugar, starchy carbs, and processed foods often cause inflammation, which can increase the symptoms of low thyroid function. Additionally, a high-sugar diet puts you at risk of getting type II impaired blood sugar. Studies show that type II blood sugar dysfunction is closely tied to hypothyroidism. Therefore, it’s wise to ditch your sugary cravings for a balanced diet.


Incorporate Selenium Rich Foods

Selenium is a trace element vital in thyroid hormone production, and its deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism. It also helps remove oxygen free radicals generated during the production of thyroid hormones, providing antioxidant defense in the thyroid. Boosting your selenium by taking grass-fed beef, tuna, and Brazil nuts can help improve thyroid function.


Add Probiotics To Your Daily Diet And Try A Gluten-Free Diet

Poor gut health can impair thyroid function and poor thyroid function can contribute to gut inflammation, dysbiosis, and a leaky gut. Gut dysbiosis can disrupt the production of neurotransmitters, the HPA axis, and dopamine, which affect the secretion of TSH. Furthermore, an underactive thyroid often messes with gastrointestinal tract motility leading to complications such as SIBO. Probiotic-rich foods can introduce good bacteria into your gut, improving microbiome integrity and easing digestive symptoms like diarrhea and bloating. Moreover, a gluten-free diet can alleviate a leaky gut, reduce inflammation, and prevent Celiac Disease (CD) in genetically predisposed people. This disorder is closely linked to autoimmune diseases such as autoimmune thyroiditis.


Manage Your Stress Levels And Exercise Regularly

Studies show that regular exercise and stress-management technique like meditation, can help control hypothyroidism by increasing your metabolism, thus triggering the thyroid glands to release more hormones. Physical activity can also help fight off mental health disorders associated with hypothyroidism, such as mood disorders, and emotional weight gain.

Product Recommendations

Thyroid Harmony Formula

Thyroid Harmony Formula

Energy | Function | Metabolism

Thyroid Harmony Formula contains 10 research-backed ingredients designed to support thyroid function, balance hormone levels, boost energy and metabolism, promote optimal weight, enhance immune system, and support overall health & wellness.

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Weight Balance | Metabolism | Energy

CurbFit is a powerful weight management supplement with 7 research-backed ingredients, including yeast protein and African mango, designed to help control food cravings, boost metabolism, increase energy, and promote overall wellness.

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Metabolic Reds+

Metabolic Reds+

Energy | Metabolism | Immunity

Metabolic Reds+ contains 39 research-backed ingredients that boost metabolism and energy levels, improve stress and immune resilience, increase nutrient absorption, antioxidant defense, fuel gut microbiome integrity, and promote overall well-being.

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Blood Sugar Formula

Blood Sugar Formula

Balance | Energy | Metabolism

Blood Sugar Formula contains 17 research-backed ingredients that target body's vital functions, with essential nutrients and botanicals to boost metabolism and energy levels. It also helps support healthy blood sugar levels and optimal weight.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where Is Your Thyroid Located?

You may wonder, where is your thyroid located? The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck, under the skin, below the voice box, and above the collarbone. It is about 2-inch-long, consisting of two lobes on either side of the trachea (windpipe) connected at the front by a narrow strip of tissue called the isthmus.

A healthy thyroid is not usually outwardly visible or able to be felt if finger pressure is applied to the neck. The thyroid glands are responsible for absorbing iodine and using it to produce triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormones which are vital in the metabolism of your body cells.

What Are Early Warning Signs of Thyroid Problems?

The early symptoms of thyroid problems are sometimes challenging to identify because they develop slowly and are often mistaken for the signs of other diseases. The signs also depend on your specific thyroid problem, whether overproduction, underproduction of thyroid hormones, or thyroid malignant cells. So, what are the early warning signs of thyroid problems? They include:

  • Fatigue even after getting enough rest
  • Muscle weakness or achy joints 
  • Dry or rough skin
  • Hair, and eyebrow loss or thinning
  • Increased or decreased heart rate
  • Excessive sleepiness, sleep disturbances, or insomnia
  • Swelling in the neck (enlarged thyroid gland/goiter)
  • Sudden weight gain or loss
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle like irregular cycles, lighter or heavier periods, etc.
  • Mood swings, irritability, or mood disorders 
  • Increased sensitivity to cold temperatures

What Causes Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid malignancies occur when cells in the thyroid gland undergo genetic mutations, leading to uncontrolled cell growth. The exact cause is unknown. However, those more likely to get thyroid malignancies  include women, older people, individuals with a family history of the big C, radiation exposure, and those with previous benign thyroid conditions.

The symptoms of this type of malignancy include difficulty swallowing or breathing, a hoarse voice, a sore throat that doesn’t go away, or a feeling like something is pressing against your neck.

You may also have a hard lump that slowly gets bigger but is not painful in the front lower part of your neck. When detected early, treatments for thyroid malignancies offer patients a significant survival rate.

What Are the Symptoms of Thyroid Problems in Females?

Studies show that thyroid problems happen more often in women than men. The two common thyroid conditions are hyperthyroidism (when the thyroid glands make excess hormones) and hypothyroidism (when the thyroid glands produce inadequate hormones). However, hypothyroidism is more likely to occur.

So, what are the symptoms of thyroid problems in females? Thyroid problems in women include fatigue, unexplained weight gain or loss, constipation, hair thinning, increased or decreased heart rate, dry or rough skin, cold intolerance, brain fog, dull-brittle nails, and mental health issues, including mood swings, irritability, and mood disorders. Thyroid conditions also cause menstrual cycle changes, such as lighter, heavier, or irregular periods. Female patients may also have trouble conceiving or experience miscarriages.

What Are the Symptoms of Thyroid Problems in Males?

You may ask, what are the symptoms of thyroid problems in males? The signs of thyroid problems in men are often the same as those in women. However, the only difference is in the way these problems affect the systems regulated by hormones in men, such as male reproductive health and sexual function. Here are the common signs of thyroid problems in males.

  • Male breast enlargement (Gynecomastia)
  • Low sperm count or quality leading to infertility
  • Inability to get or maintain an erection (Erectile dysfunction)
  • Hip and spine fractures
  • Testicular atrophy
  • Reduced sex drive or libido
  • Premature or delayed ejaculation
  • Decreased muscle mass and strength

What Does Thyroid Pain Feel Like?

While most thyroid conditions are painless, some, like thyroiditis, can cause pain. So, what does thyroid pain feel like? If you have thyroiditis, the area around the thyroid may be tender to the touch, and you may feel a sharp pain when you explore your neck where the thyroid is located. Most patients also describe it as a dull, throbbing ache or a sense of pressure in the front of the neck, where the thyroid gland should be. You may also feel pain or discomfort when turning your head or swallowing. Sometimes, the pain can spread to the jaw or ears and may last for weeks or, in rare cases, months.

How to Increase Thyroid Hormone Naturally?

Thyroid hormones play an integral role in controlling the metabolism of all the organs in the body. It’s, therefore, crucial to have healthy levels of these hormones in your body. While there is medication that can help increase thyroid function, using natural ways is more sustainable. Some ways to increase thyroid hormones naturally include eating iodine-rich foods, incorporating selenium-dense foods, and taking probiotics.

A balanced diet rich in zinc, vitamins A and C, and B vitamins  are also essential to ensure your body has the nutrients to fight off autoimmune responses that cause thyroid disorders. Moreover, lifestyle changes like regular exercise and stress management techniques such as meditation may increase metabolism, triggering the production of thyroid hormones.

How to Reduce Thyroid Inflammation?

Infections, autoimmune diseases, responses to certain medications, or radiation exposure can cause thyroid inflammation (thyroiditis). The inflammation can sometimes be painful and may affect the thyroid glands’ ability to produce T3 and T4 hormones. After carefully examining you, your doctor will advise you on how to reduce thyroid inflammation.

They may prescribe medication, or in some rare cases, you may need surgery. To manage the pain caused by subacute thyroiditis, doctors prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. You can also naturally reduce thyroid inflammation by taking foods with anti-inflammatory properties and avoiding refined foods, sugar, wheat, dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol.

Which Fruit Is Good for Thyroid?

Since there are natural ways to improve thyroid health, you may wonder, which fruit is good for thyroid? There is no single fruit that can specifically alleviate thyroid conditions. However, some specific ones, when taken as part of a balanced diet, can benefit people with thyroid issues due to their nutrient content.

Kiwi and Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, due to their high Vitamin C content, can help eliminate free radicals from the body and help reduce the risk of autoimmune conditions like autoimmune thyroiditis. In addition, apples, pineapples, and berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, manganese, and fiber. These compounds are essential for supporting the immune system, leading to improved thyroid function.

How to Tell if Your Thyroid Is Swollen?

The main reasons your thyroid may swell are thyroiditis or goiter. Here are tips on how to tell if your thyroid is swollen. When this happens, you may notice a protrusion on your neck just above the collarbone. You may also feel a soft, rubbery lump if you gently touch the region.

Additionally, you may experience breathing and swallowing difficulties because an enlarged thyroid puts pressure on the esophagus and the trachea. Your voice may also change and become a bit hoarse. If you suspect your thyroid is swollen, it’s best to seek medical help, have a doctor examine you, and provide a proper diagnosis and treatment plan if necessary.

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I was really struggling with weight gain and a goiter for years which made me feel really terrible.. I constantly felt tired and had difficulty sleeping. DAily use this supplement really worked wonders for me. I sleep much better, have a lot of energy, and my bloodwork improved. I highly recommend it to anyone dealing with thyroid issues.

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Thyroid Harmony Formula

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- Ruby M.

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Reviewed Product:
Blood Sugar Formula

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- Cheryl T.

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Blood Sugar Formula