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Your Guide to Nurturing Healthy Vision

Wondering how to improve your vision naturally and maintain optimal vision health? Learn how to keep the common symptoms of vision problems at bay.

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Your vision is a remarkable sense that enables you to explore and understand the world you live in. Without this wonderful sensory gift, you'd be deprived of the vibrant tapestry of colors, intricate shapes, and the nuanced depths that define your reality. In a nutshell, your vision involves capturing optical signals through the eyes and transmitting them to the brain for processing and interpretation. This process enables you to recognize objects, identify faces, and appreciate the beauty of nature, among other things.

Ultimately, your vision is crucial in shaping your experiences, memories, and interactions, profoundly enriching the narrative of your life. Understanding how to improve your eye vision can help you preserve this precious sense and prevent the most common symptoms of vision problems. Additionally, being aware of the causes of vision problems will empower you to remain proactive and make informed choices for long-lasting vision health.

What are the Symptoms of Bad Vision?



The constant inability to see sharply might indicate something's wrong with your vision. Poorly defined objects with blurred outlines can negatively impact your ability to perceive your surroundings correctly.


Eye Strain

Asthenopia is the discomfort and fatigue your eyes experience after prolonged periods of reading or using digital screens. When persistent, it may lead to headaches, eye dryness, and other issues.


Halos Around Lights

Bright circles or rings surrounding light sources, such as lamps or headlights, are common symptoms of vision problems. This optical phenomenon can indicate refractive errors or certain eye conditions.


Peripheral Distortion

You may notice objects on the outskirts of your vision appearing elongated, distorted, or twisted. This symptom can affect your spatial awareness and negatively impact your overall understanding of your surroundings.


Seeing Double

Diplopia, or double vision, occurs when you perceive a single object as two separate images. This overlapping can happen vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, making accurate visual interpretation a tad challenging.

What Are the Causes of Bad Vision?

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Not everyone's blessed with a 20/20 vision. Unfortunately, various interconnected factors can contribute to the gradual decline of your visual sharpness. The passage of time, genetics, and specific medical conditions are only some of the most prevalent examples.

However, environmental aspects, including extended screen exposure, insufficient lighting conditions, and suboptimal eye hygiene practices, can also contribute to poor vision health. In addition, underlying health issues such as diabetes and hypertension can become causes of vision problems if left unaddressed.

Recognizing the multifaceted nature of these influences is crucial in learning how to improve vision health and keeping most eyesight problems at bay. In addition, combining regular check-ups, maintaining a balanced diet rich in eye-nourishing nutrients, and adopting eye-friendly habits can help mitigate their impact. Not only will embracing preventive measures safeguard your visual health, but it will also enhance your overall quality of life in the long run.

How to Improve Bad Vision Naturally?

Maintaining good vision is essential to navigating life with clarity and confidence. However, as mentioned above, factors such as prolonged screen time, environmental pollutants, and poor lifestyle habits can cause this vital sense to deteriorate. Corrective measures like glasses and contact lenses might provide temporary solutions. Still, taking a proactive approach towards how to improve eyesight naturally can enhance your ocular health and promote your overall wellness. You can start by embracing a holistic perspective on eye care and incorporating specific actions into our routines, including:


Adopting a Nutrient-Rich Diet

A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E, and zinc is extremely valuable in supporting ocular health. Some excellent sources of eye-friendly nutrients are leafy greens, colorful vegetables, citrus fruits, fish, and nuts. These foods can protect your eyesight against age-related problems and offer various other essential benefits.


Practicing Eye Exercises

Regular exercises and relaxation techniques can help alleviate eye fatigue and improve focus. To strengthen your eye muscles, you can try palming, focusing on objects that are near and far, and giving your eyes gentle massages. These techniques can also help improve blood circulation in your eyes.


Drinking Enough Water

Proper hydration is helpful in maintaining healthy eye tissues and tear production. Having enough water in your body helps maintain the stability of the tear film. As a result, it can prevent the annoying dryness and irritation that may affect your ability to see clearly and comfortably.


Managing Screen Exposure Time

To avoid digital eye strain, try to limit screen time and follow the 20-20-20 rule when spending too much time using your favorite devices. Take a break every 20 minutes and look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This exercise can help ease the tension in your focusing ciliary muscles.


Improving Eye Hygiene

To maintain good vision health, following simple eye care practices like gently cleaning your eyelids at least once a day is important. In addition, avoid rubbing your eyes and maintain proper contact lens hygiene. These practices can help prevent infections, reduce discomfort, and promote overall eye health.

Product Recommendations

Complete Vision Formula

Complete Vision Formula

Clarity | Focus | Protection

Complete Vision Formula delivers 8 research-backed ingredients that promote clear vision, enhance visual acuity, and protect eye health. It also supports macular health, reduces eye strain, and improves night vision.

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Sleep Formula

Sleep Formula

Fast | Long | Restful

Sleep Formula contains 9 sleep-inducing ingredients to help you fall asleep faster, sleep deeper and longer, and wake up feeling refreshed. It promotes relaxation, so you can enjoy restful sleep and improved overall health.

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Immunity | Protection | Wellness

Immuno is a powerful immune-boosting supplement with 11 research-backed ingredients that supports immune system function, protects against harmful environmental factors, nourishes your body on the cellular level, and promotes overall health and wellness.

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Blood Sugar Formula

Blood Sugar Formula

Balance | Energy | Metabolism

Blood Sugar Formula contains 17 research-backed ingredients that target body's vital functions, with essential nutrients and botanicals to boost metabolism and energy levels. It also helps support healthy blood sugar levels and optimal weight.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Are 3 Very Common Vision Problems?

Many people suffer from common vision problems, such as:

  • Myopia (nearsightedness): Which causes faraway objects to appear blurry, while nearby objects appear clear. It occurs because the light that enters the eye focuses in front of the retina rather than directly on it.
  • Hyperopia (farsightedness): Which results in nearby objects appearing blurry while distant objects appear clear. It occurs when light entering the eye focuses behind the retina instead of directly on it.
  • Astigmatism: Which happens when the cornea or lens of the eye has an uneven curvature. The deformation results in distorted and blurred vision both near and far.

All three of these vision problems can be the result of genetic factors, environmental influences, or a combination of both, and often arise during childhood. Regular eye exams are necessary to monitor and correct any changes over time. Specialists may recommend eyeglasses, contact lenses, or corrective surgeries as treatment options.

How to Maintain Vision as You Age?

To safeguard your vision from age-related problems, you must consume a diet rich in dark leafy greens, colorful fruits, and vegetables. These foods provide essential nutrients like lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids that support macular health. In addition, you must schedule comprehensive eye exams annually, especially after age 40. Early detection of macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy allows timely treatment.

UV Protection is also paramount in reducing the risk of cataracts and other age-related eye problems. When possible, wear sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays to shield your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Stay hydrated to maintain proper tear production, and consciously blink more frequently while using screens or in dry environments. Lastly, if you smoke, quitting can significantly reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and other eye conditions.

How to Protect Your Vision?

Supporting a healthy eyesight involves several proactive steps. Some of the most important include:

  • Scheduling regular eye exams to detect and address any vision changes early on.
  • Consuming a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids to promote eye health.
  • Wearing sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays when outside to protect your eyes from harmful UV radiation.
  • Limiting screen time and following the 20-20-20 rule to prevent digital eye strain.
  • Using appropriate safety eyewear during sports and DIY projects to reduce the risk of eye injury.
  • Staying hydrated to maintain the tear film that keeps the eyes lubricated.
  • Avoiding rubbing to prevent irritation.
  • Maintaining proper eye hygiene to thwart infections.
  • Prioritizing sufficient and quality sleep to promote eye recovery and reduced strain.

What Food Is Good for Eyes Vision?

Leafy greens like kale and spinach are particularly good for your eyes due to their high lutein and zeaxanthin content. These antioxidants help protect the eyes from harmful light and lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration. On the other hand, colorful fruits like oranges and grapes are rich in vitamin C, which is important for the health of the cornea and blood vessels in the eyes.

Fatty fish like salmon and sardines provide omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce the risk of dry eyes and macular degeneration. Carrots and sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A that can help improve night vision. Nuts and seeds contain vitamin E, which helps protect cells from oxidative damage. Lastly, zinc, found in lean meats, dairy products, and legumes, is essential for maintaining retinal health and may help delay age-related vision loss.

Why Is My Eyesight Getting Worse?

Several factors can contribute to worsening eyesight. The most common is age progression, which often affects the ability to focus on close objects over time. Additionally, conditions like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism can cause blurry vision at different distances at all ages.

Extended use of digital devices, reading in dim lighting, and neglecting to take breaks when using screens can result in temporary discomfort and short to long-term vision issues. Moreover, certain health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases, can also have an impact on ocular health. Lastly, environmental factors like exposure to UV rays and smoking can hasten the progression of age-related eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

What Vitamins Help With Eyesight?

When creating a healthy food regime, it's important to consider what vitamin helps eyesight. Vitamin A, for example, is crucial for overall eye health and night vision. It helps prevent night blindness and supports the functioning of the retina. Vitamins C and E, on the other hand, are potent antioxidants that protect the eyes from oxidative damage caused by harmful free radicals. Vitamin C also supports the blood vessels in the eyes.

Lutein and zeaxanthin, which are not vitamins but rather carotenoids, are crucial for filtering harmful high-energy blue wavelengths of light and protecting the retina. These two compounds are present in high concentrations in the macula, which is responsible for detailed vision and is located in the central part of the retina. Similarly, while not vitamins either, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining the integrity of the retina and reducing the risk of dry eyes and age-related macular degeneration.

At What Age Does Eyesight Start to Deteriorate?

The timing for age-related eyesight deterioration varies from one person to another. However, on average, most people start noticing significant changes at around age 40. This phenomenon is called presbyopia, and it makes it harder to focus on objects that are close by because the eye's lens becomes less flexible over time. This issue makes it difficult for the eye to adjust its focus, which often requires the use of reading glasses or bifocals.

While presbyopia marks the initial stage of age-related eyesight changes, various other factors can contribute to further deterioration over time, including genetics, lifestyle habits, and overall health. Regular eye exams are essential to monitor and address these changes. These tests can also help detect and manage eye conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration, which tend to become more prevalent with advancing age.

What Causes Bad Eyesight at a Young Age?

Genetics plays a significant role in developing bad sight at a young age. If parents have refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness), their children are more likely to develop these conditions. Moreover, prolonged screen time and excessive reading can cause eye strain, which can result in myopia in children and teenagers. On top of that, environmental factors like inadequate lighting or incorrect posture during reading can also impact eyesight negatively.

Childhood obesity and certain medical conditions can increase the risk of myopia, impacting visual health. Limited time outdoors and screen use are also associated with the development of this vision health problem. Regular eye exams, balanced screen time, and a healthy lifestyle can counteract these problems and promote better eyesight in young individuals.

When Should I Worry About My Eyes?

If you experience sudden or persistent changes in vision, such as blurriness, distortion, or flashes of light, it might be time for a quick visit to your ophthalmologist. The same goes for an increase in eye floaters or a sudden loss of peripheral vision, as these symptoms could indicate something more serious is going on. Any discomfort, pain, redness, itching, or irritation that lasts beyond a day will also require close monitoring to discard any infections or allergies that could be affecting your eyes.

If you have a pre-existing ailment like diabetes or hypertension, make sure to treat them and keep them under control to prevent complications that may affect your eyesight. Keep in mind that regular eye exams are essential, especially if you're over 40 or have a family history of eye conditions. Swift action can aid in diagnosing and managing potential issues, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

What Does Bad Vision Feel Like?

Poor eyesight can manifest in various ways, such as blurred or hazy vision, difficulty focusing on close or distant objects, and eye strain. Poor night vision, glare sensitivity, and increased sensitivity to light might also occur. Eye fatigue, frequent changes in prescription, and challenges distinguishing colors or fine details could also indicate compromised vision. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's crucial to consult an eye care professional for a comprehensive examination to determine the underlying cause. Doing so will allow you to receive appropriate treatment to improve your visual comfort and clarity as soon as possible.

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Customer Reviews

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My eyesight was getting worst every time I went to get my sight checked. With Complete Vision, my sight has not only stabilized so that I don't have to get new prescriptions for glasses with each visit, I notice an improvement in my sight. I look forward to my continued improvement in eyesight as I keep Complete Vision a part of my regular routine.

- Elizabeth A.

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Reviewed Product:
Complete Vision Formula

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I am no more using my eye glasses after I took the supplement for one month. I bought it again for my grandson to because I am happy with the results. And I recommend it to my sister and her daughter who lives in France

- Mariem B.

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Reviewed Product:
Complete Vision Formula

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I've used COMPLETE VISION for a couple of weeks now and I have already noticed improvements in my vision! I have better acuity, and my night vision has improved greatly! As a bonus, I noticed a decrease in the dark circles under my eyes, as well! :) I highly recommend this SUPER PRODUCT!!

- Theresa A.

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Reviewed Product:
Complete Vision Formula

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I have been struggling with insomnia for more than twenty years. I have tried every sleeping pill, and so I no longer use ANY sleeping pills—any that require a prescription. None of the pills work, they are ALL addictive, and no sooner do you start taking those things than you realize you have to get off them! A friend told me about Sleep Formula. He said it actually worked. At first I didn’t believe him. But finally he convinced me to try one bottle. The result is wonderful! For the last few months I have been sleeping more than 6 hours a night. For me that’ unbelievable! And there are no side effects. NONE! Sleep Formula is a miracle

- Charles B.

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Reviewed Product:
Sleep Formula

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Thank you pure health ! Finally a sleep medicine that actually helps you sleep, it's been a long time since I enjoyed a decent night's rest ! Thank you again ! Bruce!

- Bruce B.

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Reviewed Product:
Sleep Formula

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Excellent! Great product, better than just taking Melatonin I fall asleep at least 3 hours earlier now, the ingredients in the sleep formula really agree with my body. I will recommend this product to others who suffer from insomnia.

- Anna J.

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Reviewed Product:
Sleep Formula

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I’ve using immuno for few months I noticed a a great energy level, after I started talking it, also my skin looks better specially my face, this is a great product, I definitely recommend it, also I haven't get any allergies at all, Thank you, Pure Health Research, Team

- Miguel G.

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I work in a hospital , it keeps me going. Did not have any prolonged colds

- Lee S.

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Didn't get sick all winter or so far this spring when so many people were battling sickness. This stuff if the real deal.

- Mae W.

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The Blood Sugar Support formula is "the bomb!" in the truest since! It helped me send my diabetes to into remission well within 90 days. Now, I need your natural formula for eye care, in waiting please. God bless us all.

- Joseph Y.

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Reviewed Product:
Blood Sugar Formula

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Omg, if you need an urgent sugar glucose supplement just don’t go further but buy this beautiful supplement.I love this supplement omg. It helps me with my weight loss. It helps me reduce my sugar level. It helps with my appetite and more so makes me feel good within myself. I can’t thank you all enough and looking forward to by this for my dad and send some to him in Africa. Thank you

- Risqot S.

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Reviewed Product:
Blood Sugar Formula

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This product is amazing! Before starting the Blood Sugar Formula, my fasting blood sugar level was 134 and my A1C was 6.3. After 6 mos of using this product my fasting blood sugar level went down to 104 and my A1C went down to 5.9! I don't know if this product had anything to do with is, however, my kidney function increased for 58 to 68! I'm so excited by these results! I haven't had a good doctors appointment in a long time. I was smiling when I left this appointment! And my doctor was very pleased! Thank you for this amazing product!

- Erin G.

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Reviewed Product:
Blood Sugar Formula

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Been on pills for a week now! I have more energy and much better! Less aches and pains! I purchased three bottles and both me and my husband are taking them. We both have diabetes 2 and are on metformin. We are slowly reducing our metformin! So, if these blood sugar pills continue to work, we will be purchasing more!!

- Cheryl T.

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Reviewed Product:
Blood Sugar Formula